Learning Center Coordinator
(Sensei Frazier) |
In-Class Coach
(Senpai Aniyah) |
In-Class Coordinator
(Senpai Justin) |
Online Coach
(Senpai Allison) |
Online Coach
(Michael Ward) |
In-Class Coordinator
(Senpai Noctem) |
classrooms and Tools
FMI ASMD Flash Cards
Logistics Games I
Sensei's How to Play Video |
Desmos Graphing Calculator
Sensei Rules song (same lyrics, Different styles)
(Click Here - video Instructions for Reading Hour submission)
SteP 1 Step 2
Math Diagnostic |
Basic Math Drills Videos and pDF's |
D00. Quiz for VA to VH D01. Quiz for V01 to V08 D02. Quiz for V09 to V16 D03. Quiz for V17 to V24 D04. Quiz for V25 to V32 D05. Quiz for V33 to V40 D06. Quiz for V41 to V48 D07. Quiz for V49 to V56 D08. Quiz for V57 to V64 D09. Quiz for V65 to V72 D10. Quiz for V73 to V80 D11. Quiz for VS to VZ |
MICro Civics + Geograpy + Math + Science + Technology + Life Via Kahoot
Kahoot Schedule
(Kahoot.it) Kahoot:
Wednesday 2/19 1. Western Capitals video 1: Western Capitals video 2: 2. Online Quiz: 3. Bonus Video: 1:30 only needed 4. Kahoot Quiz: |
Kahoot Schedule
(Kahoot.it) January 13: Monday
Midwestern states Capitals Watch: Video 1 Online Quiz Kahoot Quiz January 14: Tuesday Midwestern states Capitals Watch: Video 1 Online Quiz Kahoot Quiz January 15: Wednesday Midwestern states Capitals Watch: Video 1 Online Quiz Kahoot Quiz January 16: Thursday Midwestern states Capitals Watch: Video 1 Online Quiz Kahoot Quiz January 17: Friday Midwestern states Capitals Watch: Video 1 Online Quiz Kahoot Quiz |
Technology Projects
Quarter 1
Tech Projects Week 1 ⌨️ (0:00) Introduction ⌨️ (1:45) Installing Python & PyCharm Week 2 ⌨️ (6:40) Setup & Hello World ⌨️ (10:23) Drawing a Shape Week 3 ⌨️ (15:06) Variables & Data Types ⌨️ (27:03) Working With Strings Week 4 ⌨️ (38:18) Working With Numbers ⌨️ (48:26) Getting Input From Users Week 5 ⌨️ (52:37) Building a Basic Calculator ⌨️ (58:27) Mad Libs Game Week 6 ⌨️ (1:03:10) Lists ⌨️ (1:10:44) List Functions Week 7 ⌨️ (1:18:57) Tuples ⌨️ (1:24:15) Functions Week 8 ⌨️ (1:34:11) Return Statement ⌨️ (1:40:06) If Statements Week 9 ⌨️ (1:54:07) If Statements & Comparisons |
Quarter 2
Tech Projects Week 1 ⌨️ (2:00:37) Building a better Calculator ⌨️ (2:07:17) Dictionaries Week 2 ⌨️ (2:14:13) While Loop ⌨️ (2:20:21) Building a Guessing Game Week 3 ⌨️ (2:32:44) For Loops ⌨️ (2:41:20) Exponent Function Week 4 ⌨️ (2:47:13) 2D Lists & Nested Loops ⌨️ (2:52:41) Building a Translator Week 5 ⌨️ (3:00:18) Comments ⌨️ (3:04:17) Try / Except Week 6 ⌨️ (3:12:41) Reading Files ⌨️ (3:21:26) Writing to Files Week 7 ⌨️ (3:28:13) Modules & Pip ⌨️ (3:43:56) Classes & Objects Week 8 ⌨️ (3:57:37) Building a Multiple Choice Quiz ⌨️ (4:08:28) Object Functions Week 9 ⌨️ (4:12:37) Inheritance ⌨️ (4:20:43) Python Interpreter |
Quarter 3
Tech Projects Week 1 ⌨️ (0:00) Introduction ⌨️ (1:45) Installing Python & PyCharm Week 2 ⌨️ (6:40) Setup & Hello World ⌨️ (10:23) Drawing a Shape Week 3 ⌨️ (15:06) Variables & Data Types ⌨️ (27:03) Working With Strings Week 4 ⌨️ (38:18) Working With Numbers ⌨️ (48:26) Getting Input From Users Week 5 ⌨️ (52:37) Building a Basic Calculator ⌨️ (58:27) Mad Libs Game Week 6 ⌨️ (1:03:10) Lists ⌨️ (1:10:44) List Functions Week 7 ⌨️ (1:18:57) Tuples ⌨️ (1:24:15) Functions Week 8 ⌨️ (1:34:11) Return Statement ⌨️ (1:40:06) If Statements Week 9 ⌨️ (1:54:07) If Statements & Comparisons |
Quarter 4
Tech Projects Week 1 ⌨️ (2:00:37) Building a better Calculator ⌨️ (2:07:17) Dictionaries Week 2 ⌨️ (2:14:13) While Loop ⌨️ (2:20:21) Building a Guessing Game Week 3 ⌨️ (2:32:44) For Loops ⌨️ (2:41:20) Exponent Function Week 4 ⌨️ (2:47:13) 2D Lists & Nested Loops ⌨️ (2:52:41) Building a Translator Week 5 ⌨️ (3:00:18) Comments ⌨️ (3:04:17) Try / Except Week 6 ⌨️ (3:12:41) Reading Files ⌨️ (3:21:26) Writing to Files Week 7 ⌨️ (3:28:13) Modules & Pip ⌨️ (3:43:56) Classes & Objects Week 8 ⌨️ (3:57:37) Building a Multiple Choice Quiz ⌨️ (4:08:28) Object Functions Week 9 ⌨️ (4:12:37) Inheritance ⌨️ (4:20:43) Python Interpreter |
Chemistry [75]